Did Our DNA Make Us Destined to Live Vampyre Lifestyles
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Premiere Sire (120)
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22:19:43 Nov 05 2018
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Vampire is a lifestyle. Or is it. Is it something we pick or is it something that picks us. Did our DNA make us do it?

Reason why I start this thread with these statements is back when I was in my late teens one day I noticed that I smelled blood. I smelled that copper smell and it was very real. I recall even searching the room I was in to try to find out where this smell was coming from. I could not locate anything. This went on for a few weeks that I would smell blood. And it would last for hours. The smell was very strong and I even had others come into my apartment at the time to see if they could smell it too. They could not. After a few weeks it stopped. As I later became educated in Vampyre Lifestylers by taking it up myself many of my friends had said they had the same experience. In college some of the classes I took I learned though our dna we are predestined to like certain things, like our favorite colors, our favorite foods and so on. DNA is genes code for the TOOLS that make the different parts & systems of our body. There was a study done by scientist that have proved free will is an illusion. Take twins for example. There have been studies done on twins who were separated at birth. The study of two twins showed that even though they grew up apart they shared interests in mechanical drawing and carpentry; their favorite school subject had been maths, their least favorite, spelling. They smoked and drank the same amount and got headaches at the same time of day.” The similarities were uncanny. A great deal of who they would turn out to be appears to have been written in their genes.

Other studies at the world-leading Minnesota Center for Twin and Family Research suggest that many of our traits are more than 50% inherited, including obedience to authority, vulnerability to stress, and risk-seeking. Researchers have even suggested that when it comes to issues such as religion and politics, our choices are much more determined by our genes than we think.

As I shared what happen to me in my late teens the smell of blood has anyone else experienced such symptoms and please I am talking about real life, not fantasy or role-playing. Where I respect all role-players please, share only about you your REAL experiences.

So was it perhaps our DNA that lead us to VR? Do you think your DNA could possibly have affected you as to why you like the dark so much? Could it be your DNA to be as to why you are drawn to this site and to the vampire lifestyle? Was it just in my dna that in my teens for 2 weeks I could smell the strong odor of blood, the rich copper smell?


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Great Sire (117)
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11:40:49 Nov 16 2018
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Vampirism has been around for many centuries and will be around for many more. i don't think that DNA got nothing to do for the craving of a nice hot cup of Blood. Remember is just a life style and as always, secrecy must be priority number one. There are many "Clans" through out the U.S., which has been active for many years.

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Termagant (58)
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06:47:51 Nov 17 2018
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I do not think DNA could lead you to a website... I think anyone affected by vampires or who has vampirism, might have the tendency to be more “vampiric”. Because I am secluded I visit this site to be social... I live far away from people and am vampiric - so I have a distant connection with people.

I think you’re becoming more aware of unique details which can be found in science especially. As far as I know, DNA can be changed, anything and everything can evolve into something else... and even what is found under a microscope is only so real. The nature of DNA, is just a detail... It’s difficult to explain to be honest...

I personally do not roleplay, nor do I live in a fantasy world... The fact that I am a vampire is just that... This site is just fun from time to time.

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Termagant (58)
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06:51:03 Nov 17 2018
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In the second paragraph of my post, about you being more aware... what I’m saying is that it’s an interesting observation... all of the details in science can look a certain way... It might not actually be the way that it looks to you, I have a completely different understanding of the same science.

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Venerable Sire (133)
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22:18:21 Nov 27 2018
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What about vampire like genetic disorders?

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Ferine (29)
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22:47:15 Nov 29 2018
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Spirituality leads each of our life to be as we are so if u believe to be to is really true unless found otherwise.? So we are predisposed to many centuries of life knowing we all feel the same emotion spectrum but to different extents and a pull to literature liturgy and vice
Me I am obsessed with British Victorian aristocracy and folly and ettiquet in all we are every us.?
I am an urbn gothique soap is amazingly cool Blackbriar an antiquity and cultural vampyrism huntfull

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Premiere Sire (120)
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18:38:15 Dec 01 2018
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@ Derienneluccian, you used a key word predisposed. I always wondered how predisposed genetically we are in choosing things we like. I know the topic seems silly to think oh our DNA lead us to this type of website. However, the more science dives into genetics, dna, what makes us, us. What makes me like the color purple more then the color blue; sort of thing.

@thecrucible I liked what you posted. We are social creatures by nature and seek out the contact of other human beings, so I have herd. I agree with that. I actually found this site when I was looking at Gothic architect for a painting idea I had in my head. I followed the link, it seemed to interest me and I made a profile.

Recently in the news in China two baby girls were born, the world’s first genetically edited babies. As science continues to attempt to change genetic's in humans I have become interested in what really makes us, us. Why do we choose the things we do. Some professions like police, teacher's, doctors, Priest will say 'I had a calling to my profession.' What do they mean? What is this craving, this drive deep inside of them that they talk about? Are we predestined already from birth that we will like certain things no matter what? What makes some of us venture towards the “vampiric” lifestyle? Also, thank you to all who share in this debate.

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Ferine (29)
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10:36:27 Dec 02 2018
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As someone told me we r whu we r so as a mental health services user client I have meds and am under scrutiny all for 17 years am now 35 and only been out for 6mnths as long. So I found an adversary a therapist who attached her self to my soul group member lean. His adopted name I call him uncle. My father luvcian and Derienne is derived from all pre colonial etiquette and if one dehendryte if so can make amemory then I am me a new and love merlot red and am an urbn gth so I seek guidance and acceptance hence schizo affective metaphor of mad but Cooley good with what I do by nature

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Shadow (10)
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01:43:02 Jan 25 2019
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This is typical nature vs nurture discussion. I would assume we do not know if DNA has to do anything with it, since there were much more research on homosexuality and we are still not quite sure. That might be an interesting project though, to get DNA samples from different self proclaimed vampires and see if there is a pattern. Someone probably already did so.

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Shadow (10)
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01:45:56 Jan 25 2019
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If not let’s do it. We gonna have to pick 10 blood drinkers or so and raise money for 10 dna test kits. Make vampires provide samples and compare the results. I am serious, we totally can do that.

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Shadow (10)
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01:52:30 Jan 25 2019
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If the result is positive we also can order the DNA sequence from some university, and using CRISP test it on some mortal kids. I bet there would be a line.

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01:13:35 Jan 30 2019
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This is an interesting theory and has inspired me to look into DNA research further. I personally can smell blood from quite an unusual distance. I have heard before that this is an abnormal trait but as to whether it is a factor to bring people to VR I think it may be one of may contributions.

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Termagant (58)
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20:07:17 Jan 31 2019
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Dakotah, thank you, I’m glad you understand.

TheArtistRose, I don’t have any information about genetic disorders, if you research it you might find some information or documents about it, as I’ve ran into details about vampirism which were “random”, or, “out of the ordinary”, compared to the common list of facts which are discovered, that relate to vampires. It’s common to run into some unique information on the subject from time to time. Genetic vampires, I’ve not looked into yet, personally. I am aware of what the average vampire is aware of (I’m referring to psi, sanguinarian, elemental, eclectic, etc., and anyone who is like those). I’ve had a few personal experiences which were strange and could possibly be described as “genetic” vampires, when referred to. Due to the lack of established information about the subject, it would just be the first word I’d consider as a label for a “type”. I think I’d personally consider the experience to be an attack from a vampire which was an elvolutionary vampire, (although that’s just a guess), I would refer to the vampire as “evolutionary” for lack of a better word. I guess “genetic” would be another term which may adequately describe them. I have only met one of them and being a vampire myself, I can see their existence fairly clearly - this individual would be the only vampire I can “perceive” that is in existence as it is. I’m saying, there’s a lot of vampires... and yet, from my understanding, there is only one which I can find in my research/experiences that I would consider to be as this one. I’m not certain that the person is actually a “genetic” or “evolutionary” vampire though. I would say it is a lot like the nature of snowflakes... every single snowflake is different...

I don’t know if you’re taking research and studies into serious consideration, Margulis626. I personally would like to know, though, how it is that you would make a vampire do anything such as what you’ve mentioned?

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Shadow (10)
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02:12:38 Feb 01 2019
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That is easy. I am not going to make anyone do anything, because it is a crowd funded project for those, who are interested. We will have volunteers. I bet they here are few vampires curious enough.

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Shadow (10)
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02:13:48 Feb 01 2019
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There are*

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Premiere Sire (125)
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07:02:05 Feb 28 2019
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This may be just my belief I really do not have statics to back it up. I do believe that we are predestined in that the gifts and talents we have are given to us from birth. What ever it is that guides us weather it be DNA or weather it is of a spiritual nature I think both factors contribute. I have smelled and tasted blood off and on for years since my teen years with no known outside source. I was always drawn to the more spiritual and supernatural. I think that in aspects of how most of the world views the world around them being darkness and light where ever I happen to fall be it in darkness or in light those gifts and talents can be utilized at either end the spectrum.

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No Longer Registered
02:44:58 Jun 14 2019
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My answer would be no. For some people, they are vampiric simply because an outside vampiric
entity made a person that way, or even a demonic one. Some souls, by theory, are more vampiric
because people choose to get involved with more dark, or unholy practices, therefore cutting themselves
off to the holier source. When you cut yourself off, you are not receiving what is natural for others who
are NOT vampiric. Basically, it's like squeezing your soul tube, and depriving yourself of energies you COULD
be getting.

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High Sire (157)
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17:44:08 Aug 09 2021
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Yeah, this is (in my opinion, at least) a bit of a "gray area", considering the fact that there are a lot of people, still, who will talk about it one day, and they not too long aft, they speak of it like it's either just a "fad" or lunacy. THAT is what you call "life-styling", in my mind.
However, being a (real) vampire, obviously, is neither fantasy, nor simply a "lifestyle choice". It's literally ingrained in someone's DNA, which... I won't get into particulars, there, because I already know that it'll raise one Hellish debate (or worse). But of course, I have had to learn, through the experience, that there is very little about it that is actually "mental-based", but it does tend to amplify the psychological aspects, almost to a surprising degree.

Mind you, however, I already fall under the lines of what people consider to be "raving lunacy", be it in the world of society, or even amongst the alleged "community", so, take My statement(s) as you will.

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Hellhound (70)
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11:36:20 Aug 29 2023
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Personally, I prefer the romantic vision of the novels in which another vampire, whom we have previously invited into our room, comes to our bed and bites our neck, sucking our blood, and then gives us a drink of his own blood, turning us into vampires.

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Aggressor (83)
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15:37:14 Aug 29 2023
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At a large family gathering where there was a cold buffet, I once noticed that all of my mother's blood relatives ate tartare, but none of the others. I don't think that's a coincidence, the genes definitely played a role.
And so it is for other food.

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Great Sire (115)
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22:49:57 Dec 22 2023
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Like estrangedones post

I do not think it's a DNA issue of vampirism. Some people Are drawn to aspects of horror because of cultural growing up. I have been so fascinated with vampires and werewolf since a kid. Drawn by the movies and books at times when I was the freak and not societies norm.

We all have inner paths. Some say from past lives or lives structural implants on kids and growing up. What horror they fared traumas that I fluenced the inner soul.

This is just my opinion of this matter

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Irritater (16)
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21:25:00 Dec 25 2023
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I awakened at a very early age and I was in denial and unaware to some degree of what I was awakening to. It was like the name of something half remembered on the tip of my tongue that I was wanting so hard to remember. Because I was so young and this always felt like the real me, I believe I was born this way. Its possible that many people born this way don't waken to this world, but are just predisposed to having this need. I also believe that stressors in life like shocks can spurr this process on.

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Charmer (84)
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06:40:03 Jan 01 2024
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This is pretty interesting reading everyone theory and myths in what you have wrote to be honest i have that happen that all of sudden i smell blood i look for it also wondering where it is coming from or the source of the smell

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